Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GOP Online

At CyberINK, Jean Latz Griffin notes that Republicans have lost their previous dominance in political technology:
[The] game changed when the Obama campaign dominated the social networks, online organizing and other new media such as texting and placements in video games, and translated contributions, volunteer hours and self-organizing into votes. The dominance was recognized in April when, among the 23 Golden Dot Awards given by George Washington University’s Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet, only six went to clearly identified Republican campaigns, eight went to to Democrats and the rest to issue campaigns.That only sounds balanced between the Rs and the Ds until you notice that two of the Republican awards went to Ron Paul, who lost his bid for the Republican nomination for President.

Nevertheless, she gives good grades to the RNC's current website and quotes its former director of e-campaigning that the party has a good chance to bounce back.