Monday, September 7, 2015

Kasich and Same-Sex Marriage

Chrissie Thompson reports at The Cincinnati Inquirer:
John Kasich, who opposes gay marriage, thinks a Kentucky clerk should issue same-sex marriage licenses despite her religious beliefs.

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis is sitting in jail indefinitely after defying court orders to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Conservatives have cheered her for standing on her personal religious beliefs, saying the government is persecuting her.

Even though Davis personally opposes same-sex marriage, she's a government employee, Kasich told ABC's This Week on Sunday.

"She's not running a church. I wouldn't force this on a church, but in terms of her responsibility, I think she has to comply," said Kasich, Ohio governor and a GOP presidential candidate. He doesn't think she should sit in jail, he said, but "I think she should follow the law."

Battles over same-sex marriage might turn young people away from Christianity, said Kasich, a Protestant.

"When we see these kind of battles going on, I get a little bit afraid that it turns people off to the idea of faith in God," he said. "I think we need to talk a lot about the do's, about humility, about helping our neighbor, about the need to live a life bigger than ourselves."