Sunday, September 4, 2016

Trump Outreach

Alan Rappeport reports at The New York Times:
Donald J. Trump faced a backlash on Thursday from some of his top conservative Hispanic supporters, who said their hopes that he was softening his immigration policy had been dashed by his fiery speech Wednesday night, which they said was anti-immigrant.
Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, had shown signs in recent weeks that he was prepared to take a more conciliatory approach to immigrants who had entered the country illegally, dropping talk of a deportation force and instead speaking of treating those immigrants in a fair and humane fashion.
Less than two weeks ago, he held a meeting with his Hispanic advisory council in Trump Tower, leaving attendees with the impression that he was working on a new plan that included a path to citizenship.
That impression faded in Phoenix on Wednesday night.
“There was so much hope,” said Jacob Monty, a member of the Hispanic advisory council who was at the meeting with Mr. Trump. “He used us as props.”
AP reports:
A Hispanic Donald Trump supporter's assertion that without Trump there could one day be "taco trucks on every corner" in the U.S. has stirred ridicule, not to mention hunger, across the internet. 
Hundreds of tweets with the hashtag "taco trucks on every corner" popped up Friday on Twitter, most of them from people salivating for the tortilla-wrapped food.
The social media onslaught was in reaction to a Thursday night interview on MSNBC with Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez, who said the Mexican culture is "dominant" and "imposing" before issuing his taco warning.
The opportunity to poke fun at Gutierrez's remarks was too hard for many to pass up. Celebrities such as actors Patton Oswalt and Eva Longoria Baston jokingly referenced the hashtag in tweets. Various memes with statements such as "Election day is now officially Taco Tuesday" were also circulating. 
Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman report at The New York Times:
The Republican National Committee had high hopes that Donald J. Trumpwould deliver a compassionate and measured speech about immigration on Wednesday, and prepared to lavish praise on the candidate on the party’s Twitter account.
So when Mr. Trump instead offered a fiery denunciation of migrant criminals and suggested deporting Hillary Clinton, Reince Priebus, the party chairman, signaled that aides should scrap the plan, and the committee made no statement at all.
The evening tore a painful new wound in Mr. Trump’s relationship with the Republican National Committee, imperiling his most important remaining political alliance.
After Yamiche Alcindor of the New York Times found the Trump script for the event, the Donald made an unusual journey. ABC reports:
Donald Trump swayed to songs of worship, read scripture, and donned a Jewish prayer shawl Saturday during a visit to a predominantly black church in Detroit, where he called for a "civil rights agenda of our time" and vowed to fix the "many wrongs" facing African-Americans.
"I am here to listen to you," Trump told the congregation at the Great Faith Ministries International. "I'm here today to learn."
Trump has stepped up his outreach to minority voters in recent weeks as he tries to expand his appeal beyond his GOP base. The visit was Trump's first to a black church — a rare appearance in front of a largely-minority audience for the candidate who typically attracts overwhelmingly white crowds.
Trump was introduced by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, who warned that he was in for something different. "This is the first African-American church he's been in, y'all! Now it's a little different from a Presbyterian church," he said. 
Jennifer Konerman and Meena Jang report at The Hollywood Reporter:
The latest attempt made by Donald Trump's campaign to reach millennial voters appears to have backfired, when a photo tweeted by Donald Trump Jr. quickly became material for comedians and critics online.
On Friday, Trump's son tweeted a photo of him with his siblings alongside the caption, "This election is not about Republican vs Democrat it's about insider vs outsider. It's time for a change in DC!"
Twitter users, comedians and celebrities had a field day with the photo, comparing the image to Children of the Corn, Mr. Robot, The Outsiders and Christian Bale's character from American Psycho, while also mocking Eric Trump's placement behind his two siblings in the image.

This election is not about Republican vs Democrat it's about insider vs outsider. It's time for a change in DC! #