Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mooch's Day

In Defying the Odds, we discuss some of the people around Trump.

The 1937 report that laid out designs for the modern White House staff said that aides should have "a passion for anonymity."

Jennifer Rubin writes:
Since Anthony Scaramucci came on board as White House communications director, he has created such tumult that one might pine for the calm, cool, collected days of Sean Spicer.
He has repeatedly attacked Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, accusing him of leaking or creating an atmosphere of leaks. (The fish stinks from the head down, as he said.)
He suggested that his financial disclosure form was leaked and threatened to call in the FBI and the Justice Department. In fact, that form became public automatically, hence the term “disclosure.”

He told Politico himself that he would fire assistant White House press secretary Michael Short. The process dragged on for hours until the aide quit. Scaramucci then blamed the press for a leak.
To cap it off, he spoke to the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on the record, disparaging chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon in obscene terms; browbeating Lizza to get the name of the person who mentioned a dinner that he, President Trump, former Fox News executive Bill Shine and Fox News host Sean Hannity attended; threatening to fire everyone on the communications staff; and impugning Lizza’s patriotism. And he predicted Priebus soon would be fired.