Friday, October 18, 2019

Trump Lied about a Deal with China. Turkey Lied about a Deal with Trump.

In Defying the Oddswe discuss Trump's character and record of dishonestyThe update -- recently published --includes a chapter on the 2018 midterms.

Trump lied about a deal with China and Turkey lied about a deal with Trump. 

Heather Long at WP:
President Trump claimed that he struck a “phase one” trade deal with China on Friday and that the Chinese agreed to massive purchases of U.S. farm products. But nearly a week has passed, and China has not confirmed that critical piece of the agreement.

According to the White House, a key part of Trump’s initial deal is China’s commitment to buy $40 billion to $50 billion worth of U.S. agricultural products. But nothing was written on paper, and China’s Commerce Ministry would not confirm that figure Thursday, saying instead purchases would be made according to Chinese market needs.
CBS reports:
As the deal Vice President Mike Pence announced with Turkey to stop attacks on Kurdish forces in northern Syria came under criticism Friday, fighting continued in the region. Video showed gunfire and shelling in a Syrian city along the Turkish border.
CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata said it was a shaky ceasefire, and not everybody was happy about it. There have been serious questions about the U.S. military's role in ensuring the terms of the ceasefire are implemented.
Turkish attacks continued on the border, breaking the so-called "pause in hostilities" agreed to by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government. The pause is supposed to last 120 hours, or five days, to give the U.S. a chance to "facilitate" exactly what Turkey wanted in when it launched its incursion on October 9: the removal of the formerly U.S.-allied Kurdish forces from a 20-mile-deep so-called "safe zone" along Turkey's border.