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Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand
New book about the 2020 election.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Republicans Say -- Out Loud -- That High Turnout Would Hurt Them

In Defying the Odds, we discuss the 2016 campaign. The 2019 update includes a chapter on the 2018 midterms. The 2020 race, the subject of our next book, is well under way Coronavirus has prompted some states to expand voting by mail.

Interview: Donald Trump Calls In to Fox and Friends for an Interview - March 30, 2020
Well, not expand. It's just the common facts. I mean, they have a majority in the House, and therefore you need their vote, and they want to get certain things. I will tell you this. If you look at before and after, the things they had in there were crazy. They had things -- levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.
 Mark Niesse and Greg Bluestein at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
All 6.9 million active voters in Georgia are being mailed absentee ballot request forms this week by the secretary of state’s office. Voters who return the absentee ballot request forms will be able to participate in the primary without having to come into contact with other people on election day or during early voting.
“This will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia,” [state House Speaker David] Ralston, a Republican from Blue Ridge, said during an interview with FetchYourNews, a North Georgia news site. “Every registered voter is going to get one of these. … This will certainly drive up turnout.”
Ralston later claimed that he was talking about fraud.  He did not explain why he thought fraud would hurt Republicans and not Democrats.   Actually, vote fraud is extremely rare, and the most prominent recent example involved GOP perpetrators.